Unable to save new account details in mail and entourage and safari stalls


HI everyone, I do hope that I have posted to the correct forum. This is the first time I used MacosX .com.

I wonder if anybody can help?

I have had trouble firstly with osX mail program.
After much time of this running smoothly it has gone wrong. (also with Entourage and Safari when loading some web pages)

Whilst trying to get mail the programe indicates that it is fetching new mail but does no more, there is mail waiting to be picked up. I deleted the mail account and tried to add again but when i go to save the account settings Mail stops and the spinning icon simply spins!
I gave up after much time and tried to set up Entourage, again whilst trying to save the settings it stalls and i have the little spinning icon, but nothing happens.
Its as though it will not allow me to save.
Also with Safari, just recently whilst trying to load pages, it stalls and the spinning icon appears and nothing else happens, i have sat patiently in the hope that something does happen but it does not.

I have no problems loading pages with IE and can surf the web using that with no problems.

My main concern is why i am unable to save the new email account details in Mail and Entourage.

Does anybody have any clues?


Chris (london)
Ok. first of all, what computer and version os x are you running? Also include the ram and if you installed anything right before the problem started.

It sounds weird. Have you tried to Repair Privileges lately? Plus, it seems weird that only entourage mail and safari are effected. Are any other non-internet programs running weird?

I am using an ibook 600 MHz PowerPC G3
256 MB Ram
OS X 10.2.6
I did not install anything before this happened.
I have just run Norton but it gave no report.

Is there any other sort of repair thing i can run?

Nothing else seems to be behaving badly.

I thought about re installing osX but if i do i will lose os 9 and alll my settings for 10, i think. The discs i have to install 9 and 10 (it have my disc partitioned) are older then then versions i am running because of updates.
I am lost!

It looks as though its a pop account thing.
I was able to set up an imap account (my work account) but neither mail nor entourage would allow me to set up pop.
It used too!
I dont what to do!
Me yet again!
But also i forgot to mention that every time I try to set up the new account in mail I get a dialog box appearing aking if I want to decrypt an item in my users folder.

Does anyone know why this is happening and how I might be able to stop it? Maybe that will sort things in mail at least?

I fixed it!!!!!

The problem was with the keychains
folder. I had to clear it out and re enter them. Now that does clear up mail but entourage? I dont care, i dont use it anyway!!! Safari is allowing access also. But i am sure keychains have nothng to do with Safari? Anyway all is well.

I've also been having a similar problem. It started very randomly yesterday, without any previous installations or updates. Entourage started going a bit spastic on me, so I tried to delete and re-add my account details (one hotmail and t'other POP), and it was spinning wheel time.

I cleaned out MS Office and re-installed, plus repaired permissions, but no luck. I figured out that the problem usually kicks off once I enter a Account ID that in any way matches my e-mail address, or alternatively when I try and enter a password. I tried Mail but also got similar spinning wheel results.

I've got a iBook running 640MB of RAM, using 10.2.6.

I'm vaguely at the end of my tether and weighing up become a Luddite.

Do you have any ideas what the problem is and how it can be fixed.
