Unable to save using command-s


Hi, I have a problem which started a couple of days ago and is unrelated to any system changes as far as I can tell (no new hardware or software installs). When I'm working on a doc or file I cannot save using command-s. I just get a "beep" and nothing happens. I tried in several different apps and get the same response. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks in advance for any response.

Dual 2.0GHz PowerPc G5 - 180GB HDD - 2.5GB Ram - OS 10.5.3
First thing I’d do is check in Keyboard Prefs and see if I’d inadvertently assigned Command S to something else. Do you use any other keyboard macro program?
Thanks for your response, but no, I haven't assigned Command S to anything else. At least not to my knowledge. I'm getting old and forgetful but I hope I haven't forgotten that. I hope you have another suggestion for this old mac user.

Best regards.
OLDMACUSER--I would try trashing the finder prefs and the sys. prefs. go>hd>users>prefs-find both > trash them>restart. good luck on this.
What program specifically are you having problems in? I know that the X11 version of OpenOffice for the Mac doesn't recognize the Command keys and requires you to use Control instead for keyboard shortcuts. NeoOffice does use the Command key if I'm not mistaken.
Thanks Dickster! That did the trick. I've only asked for help on these boards a few times, but every time I've received the help I needed. Thanks again to all who are so willing to help.
Glad to help! oldmacuser--p.s. i found out a long time ago to use K.I.S.S. [KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID] which i have on my monitor as a reminder that things that go wrong are usually simple to fix. we get into them too deep sometimes.