Unable to unmount disks (but they are listed in /Volumes)


master of disaster
Just had to reboot my PowerMac because I could not unmount any diskimages, network drives or CDs anymore.

I tried both unmount, hditool -force and disktool, and neither of them was able to remove them. They were all reported in use, even after I logged out and logged back on. Clearly something was holding a lock on one of them, but all 6 items all together?!?

Also, adding new items (network shares) did not cause them to pop up on the desktop, but they were added to /Volumes.

Quite strange behaviour - anyone seen this? Or even better, found a solution to it other than rebooting??! :)

I will have to get the situation again before I can answer that, but I surely will watch out for this to happen again and see what is going on then.

I'm hoping that someone will still take a look at this thread, as I've had exactly the same problem. It started when I was using iTools through the terminal. I can't eject from the finder (iDisk is in use - er, not it's not). I tried unmount from the terminal. Still no go (although I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing here). fstat shows nothing using the volume, but it is still listed in /Volumes.

As an interesting twist I then added a couple of other mounts (disk image and iPod). I can now eject the iDisk, and the disk image, but... not the iPod. It seems that whichever mount is at the top of the list is there to stay. Once again fstat shown nothing is using the disk, the finder says that something is.

Any suggestions?
