Unicode support


I want to provide an unicode support for the application so that languages other than english can be support eg korean.
I want to convert an ascii to utf16 string and then convert utf16 to utf8.
this utf8 string is used in fopen to open a file.
And also how do i open
I used glibmm (http://www.gtkmm.org/documentation.shtml) on a project to collect user information (how much they used
computers etc.) to a database. Since the machines were different kinds of Unix servers and
the database was Microsofts SQL Server, I used glibmm's usting, which converts different
encodings to UTF-8. The catch is, glibmm is for C++ and you did not told what language
you are going to use.
Which language are you using? iconv does character set conversion and is available through C languages and many script languages. Check out 'man iconv' in the Terminal.
Need help following issue in mac for the unicode support:

1. API to open a drive ( "/dev/disk...") with unicode path (unsigned short ) and get the handle of it.
2. Using the handle for read/write operation.
3. To get a FSRef of file with unicode (unsigned short) filepath.
4. To display the unmounted drive , the api is CheckForRemovableMedia .
This api is not supported, looking for the replacement call.
5.UTF16 To UTF8 conversion without dataloss
6.UTF16 To Ascii conversion without dataloss.

i want to know mac api to get fsref of volume/directory so that i can do fsread/fswrite on the volume/directory.

Any help will be appreciated.