Uninstalling/Reinstalling MySQL


Hi guys,

I think I have completely screwed up the installation of MySQL. I used the OSX binary package from the mysql.com website and followed their rather lengthly and to me complicated instructions which sent me from one page to another and eventually completely losing track of where I was in the installation process. I am now basically getting errors left, right and center!

I don't understand why they can't have a page that says, installing on Mac OSX in simple terms! Half of those pages bang on about installing on Mac OSX Server.

Anyahoo, I think I am in need of a complete reinstallation of mysql. What is the safest and easiest way of doing this? I am running OSX version 10.3.4.

Does anyone know the answer to this?

I think there is a conspiracy going on........are people not allowed to uninstall MySQL? I have looked over the internet all day trying to find an answer but there is none! I have posted this message on forums all over the place and no replies what so ever....I thought someone would know....
Try this version next time: http://www.serverlogistics.com/mysql.php

It's a standard package...just double click and it'll install itself. They have clear directions for the few remaining steps you have to complete (handfull) after it's done installing, also includes a SysPref pane to control it.

They also have Version of Apache 2 and PHP which are quite easy to install, just go to the main site http://www.serverlogistics.com/ and the links are in the middle column at the bottom of the page.

Not sure on the uninstall part...never tried to myself on the Mac. The linux boxes usually got a format when I was ready for a redo or upgrade, alot easier IMO.