Statesman.com, MacMinute, and MacRumors are reporting that students entering Teacher Preperation Program will be required to purchase an "approved" Apple iBook or PowerBook, Running none other than our good Friend, Mac OS X.
Apple is offering a HUGE discount to students, $1,000 will buy them a base 500MHz iBook w/ 15 GB HD and 128 MB Ram.
Of course, some are unhappy Wintel clones "why an Apple?" but a lot are excited because they're the first to require a computer for the classes, giving them a jump ahead of other schools.
The University has relations with other companies, most notably Microsoft and Dell, but Apple is very strong on the campus.
So Apple is targeting more than K-12, they're Movin' on Up! I'm wondering if this will influence K-12 and other Universities around the country if they hear good reviews about the program. If so, Nobody will be able to doubt Apple's dominance in Education.
So, um, who was doubting that Apple is planning to optimize OS X for iBooks?
Apple is offering a HUGE discount to students, $1,000 will buy them a base 500MHz iBook w/ 15 GB HD and 128 MB Ram.
Of course, some are unhappy Wintel clones "why an Apple?" but a lot are excited because they're the first to require a computer for the classes, giving them a jump ahead of other schools.
The University has relations with other companies, most notably Microsoft and Dell, but Apple is very strong on the campus.
So Apple is targeting more than K-12, they're Movin' on Up! I'm wondering if this will influence K-12 and other Universities around the country if they hear good reviews about the program. If so, Nobody will be able to doubt Apple's dominance in Education.
So, um, who was doubting that Apple is planning to optimize OS X for iBooks?