Unix apps


I know this has been covered several times, but I'm a Unix newbie and want to install some Latex utils on my Mac (G4 733, 640 MB, OS X 10.1.4). So far, no success, I get various errors when running 'make.' Could anybody point me to a (not too complex) makefile that DID work so I can try and see what's wrong with mine? One problem seems to be that the source files tell cc to include a couple of header files like "stdio" and "stlist." Are these standard, and where can I find them?
I realize that real developers will think this is kiddie stuff, but hey, I am just curious to learn about this Unix side of the system, and I happen to like the command line. :D
If you want a nice TeX package and don't care whether it is a Unix app, why don't you go for teTeX (this thing is Unix) and TeXShop (this is the Mac OSX graphical front end to teTeX) available at Unix Apps and Utilities


Go to the bottom of the page and download TeXShop and teTeX. I think teTeX itself is a Unix app, but it will install in the /Applications folder of your HD. Its Aquafied and very simple to use. Actually, I know for certain teTeX is at the core Unix because I can run programs like "dvips" at the command line, which came with the teTeX.
Sorry, I guess my post wasn't clear. I have installed teTex (via Texshop), but I want to install a couple of utilities not included in teTex that I downloaded from CTAN (like psutils and rtf2LaTeX). It should be possible (since OS X IS Unix, if I got that one right from the other thread), but I get these errors form make. It would be nice to just compare my makefiles to makefiles that work and maybe fix them. Anyway, thanks for the hint!
Yes. I believe those are standard C libs. Do you have the developer tools installed? You have to have the latest developer tools from Apple installed to compile this software. They are free and can be found at ADC. All you have to do is sign up for ADC for free and you can download them. Plus this way you can keep up to date on the developers tools needed for Apple.

Good Luck.
Hey, howzat? One of the apps compiled OK!! I hadn't installed all of the dev tools, that's why some of the standard libs weren't where make expected them. After reinstalling, it showed me a couple of scary error messages and compiled and installed. Great, I feel like a unix wiz. The other makefile still gives me trouble. Does anybody know what messages like
BUFSIZ undeclared
NULL undeclared
warning: implicit declaration of function `fopen'
All of the basic Unix Development Libraries are in the Developer CD. Some Apps will require odd libraries that are not included and you will have to install those when you run across them. That, however, is beyond the scope of this question and will probably require some reading on your part to learn more about Unix programming.

Good Luck.