Unix resources for beginners?


i am fish.
Hi, I'm new to the Unix side of things, but now that I'm 100% OS X, I'm extremely interested in finding out what kind of things I can play with under the hood. It sounds like there's some really exciting possiblities with what Apple has done with this operating system, but I feel really out of the loop. If anyone has any suggestions for getting my feet wet in Terminal and stuff like that, please let me know. I'm very capable of understanding the technology, I just don't have experience with this particular platform. Any websites/tutorials/personal ideas would be very appreciated.

You could also try a book called "Mac Os X Unleashed" It's a great book, and about 1500 pages too. The first third of the book is all about the GUI, then in comes the last two-thirds of the book that is completely unix. I paid $50.00 for this book and after only having it for a week, I can truly say I've gotten my moneys worth allready!:)
I got a ton of information when I started.

Particularly AdmiralAK's Unix starter;)
Thanks for some good suggestions! I think I might check out the "OS X Unleashed" book that tk4two1 mentioned, but I'm also definitely going to start frequenting the how-to forum. Hopefully this thread will continue to grow so that others wishing to learn more about the power of Unix will have a multitude of resources.