unknown device when i plug it in

Some more information please?

What computer, Mac or PC?

What operating systerm?

If Mac OS, which one? (9 or X)

What version of iTunes are you running?

Which iPod are you using?
Have you loaded the iPod software that came with your iPod? Sometimes the iPod comes formatted for the Mac, which means that it's formatted HFS (which is a Mac-based filesystem). Windows can't read HFS so the iPod would be formatted FAT32 (which I believe would be done for you through the iPod software that's provided). Once it's formatter FAT32, then the iPod can be read on the Windows PC as well as the Mac.

Since I use my iPod on my iMac G5, I leave it formatted in HFS. When I plug it into a PC, it tells me that it's unsupported but I only plug it on the PC so that the darned thing will charge. :p
well ok thisis the thing i ownlaoded hte ipod software but something like 1607 runtime error comes out so i cant intstall it and ive been using my ipod for about 4 months good now
ok but i already saw that and also im hacing problems with my comp. and the device manager wont come out i need a hotfix. form microsoft cause i installed the ervice pack or something and that messed up my comp
yeah first fix problems with your computer, then reinstall iPod/iTunes software if you're still having driver issues.. you may want to go to Apple's discussions web page where they have more people who can help you with your PC. We're all Mac users, and can't really help with troubleshooting your PC as easily...
Well, some of us DO also use PCs just in case stuff like this does happen. ;)

Regardless, I would follow kainjow's advice and fix what's wrong with the computer. Sounds like you might have to do a reinstall of Windows if the Service Pack install went south.