Unpartition HD


i am about to put Windows XP on my mac but i have 2 questions of concern. Is it possible to partition my Western Digital External HD for Windows? and also is it possible to delete the partition if i were to not want to use windows at a later time? Thanks for the help!
I believe that all of this can be done through Boot Camp which you have to download from Apple's website. It's not a straight install like on a PC. You have to use Boot Camp in order to be able to install Windows XP on your Intel Mac. Also, you must have Windows XP Service Pack 2 (either Home or Pro). It will not work with earlier versions of Windows or pre-SP2 versions of Win XP. However, you can create a slipstreamed Windows XP SP2 disc from your pre-SP2 disc by following the directions on the site below.

The Boot Camp install does not support external drives. You can only install Windows on an internal drive.

You can delete the windows partition with the Boot Camp software, if there is enough space on the drive.