Unrecognised Windows partition


I have an iMac from just over a year ago, I installed Leopard in about November of last year and since then had a fully functional windows partition.

Recently having moved to South Africa, I had my mac sent in for connection to the internet. That was set up nicely and it had iWork put into it too. The guy who did it put in a bunch of other new programs which I think are for the network - NTFS for Mac, and something called "Little Snitch"

Since getting it back from him I haven't been able to restart in my windows partition, using the system preferences > start up disc doesn't see it there. If I go to finder though, I can see that it is still there. To start with I could access the files in the windows part, but suddenly I can't even do that, although I can still see it in finder.

Is there any way I can salvage this situation? I cannot really afford to loose all the files on my windows drive. Could it be that he updated my current OS to a slightly newer version? My boot camp assistant says modified on the 24/04/09 along with a few other applications, any way I can do a simple fix for this?