Unusual square attached to cursor


I left my computer after doing some searching on Mapquest. When I came back there was a 1 inch square attched to my cursor that stays with it when I move the mouse. It looks like a bunch of tiny barcodes. Also all the icons on the desktop have the inch square covering it up as well as the dock. Any ideas?
Go to System Prefs/Universal Access and turn everything off. It's one of the effects in Universal Access.

You can turn it on accidently by hitting the wrong combination of Shift/Alt and a function key.
That didn't work. Mouse keys was already off, Keyboard - both sticky keys and repeated keystroke is off. Seeing is off. There is nothing else to turn off. Do you have another idea?
I still need help with getting rid of the square attached to the cursor and covering all the desktop icons and dock. All applications seem to be working ok. Help!