update crashes and burns


I have a G4 powerbook, running 10.3. Up until fairly recently, everything was fine. Since about November, however, when I download and try to install an new update, the update process dies. I get a message saying the update could not be installed. I tried just downloading the package, then installing, same error. The logs are full of messages, some look like they may be permissions issues. I tried running the update as root, but no joy. I am just about to back up, wipe, re-install os-x, install the updates, then reload my applications. I do not want to do that, as it is work. :) (or I may ignore it until 10.4 comes out)
boot up with your OSX install disk, and go into disk utilities. Now, verify and repair yourr disk and disk permissions until both options run clean. You should be fine.
Thanks. I tried usind disk Utilities to clean up the system, and it looked clean, BUT I did *NOT* boot from the system CD when I tried that. If that doesn't work, then what is step 2?
No need to use verify, it just takes longer using it. Just click Repair.

After you boot from the OS CD by holding the C key down, you'll dsee an Installer Menu at the top of the screen. Use that to Open Disk Utility.
O.K. Thanks! I try tonight, and see what it does. My system is fairly current, 10.3.4 or 10.3.5, iirc. I die trying to update OS-X, Quicktime. iCal updated just fine. I do have Quicktime pro, but that should not hurt anything, should it?