Updates Live on MacWorld Keynote

I'm not disappointed at all. For how I use Macs, most of these announcements are very very good news!

Your mileage may vary of course.

I think tablets are a waste, I don't know who's crying out for them and I don't want to see Apple getting off into markets that offer very little bang for the buck. I guess they could have made the display on the 12" pb fold all the way back and provide a touch sensitive screen? I agree on the mhz though, Motorola is really dragging Apple down, lets hope they can get the noose off before it gets too fatal.

Stupid streaming, that last commerical sounded pretty funny but I can't see squat.
keynote just ended. I'm not dissapointed. My next computer will probably be a powerbook of some sort. I did sort of want an iPhone but maybe the lower expectations helped apple out with me.

The web site teasers from last year hyped it up a lot.
Apple's website has already begun to show the new stuff. Man... the 'epic' tiBook is just too sweet... :)
Originally posted by AppMan
Maybe a tablet computer or device of that nature and a whole lot more Mhz.

I'm with appman, sure new iapps are nice and fun, but I was expecting something as new and as exciting as the iPod. A tablet or some other "information appliance" would have been awesome. Let me explain, as I have become more and more dependent on iapps, Sherlock (movie guides, yellow pages, maps...) and of course the web, I find myself sick and tired of going into my office to wake up my G4 everytime I need some information, check email... I want Apple to free me up with a little device I can have on the coffee table, kitchen or wherever. I mean, they have all the pieces to build something like this - blue tooth, iapps (address, mail, ical...), hand writing recognition - it is all there! People scoff at tablets, but imagine one that is well designed inside and out and could access information from your other macs and/or all on its own.

Maybe I'm an odd ball, but this is what I would pay good money for and I have been a loyal Apple customer for years and years - even owned a Newton 110 that I still think blows away my contemporary Palm in many ways. Only Apple can do this right.
Its here. Just like they said... View Photos, listen to MP3, play movies, "newton sized" the NEW 12" POWER BOOK.... Amazing!!!
Originally posted by mfsri
Its here. Just like they said... View Photos, listen to MP3, play movies, "newton sized" the NEW 12" POWER BOOK.... Amazing!!!

Uhhhh - not quite. Please don' think I am being greedy or too picky. Sure, the new 12" ibook is nice, but $1800 to $2000? Keep it that size, drop the keyboard and give me a pen interface and that is what I want. In fact, it doesn't have to be a full blown computer - just a digital hub type device - communication, media (music, pics and maybe even some video if it uses my G4 or other mac as a server) and the web and personal information via iapps.