Upgrade from 10.5.3 to 10.5.5 messed up Spaces



Today I upgraded from mac os 10.5.3 to 10.5.5, and now whenever I play World of Warcraft, I can't use the keyboard shortcuts to switch between spaces. Since I am an AVID spaces use (particularly when playing WoW), I am determined to find an elegant solution to this beyond reinstalling an older version of leopard.

That being said, on Windows I would start tinkering with the registry, seeing if there is a setting that may have been switched for full-screen applications that prevented the use of the shortcuts, etc. And, after doing some digging, I did find some basic files for Spaces (Resources, XML .plists, etc), but couldn't find anything like the registry where the settings are laid out.

Is there such a thing? If so, how do I find/tinker with it?

I realize that you're encouraged NEVER to mess w/system settings blah blah etc... I've got everything backed up on the machine and could format/reinstall without any issues. Like I said, I'm determined to fix this if at all possible.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Depending on whether you have a backup (and what kind), there are several routes you could go. Delete Spaces' preferences, repair permissions, reinstall the combo update for 10.5.5, use a backup to go back to the system as it was in 10.5.3 and then update with the combo updater to 10.5.5 again (or maybe update to 10.5.4 first)...
Thanks for the reply!

I don't have a backup (short of a format/reinstall), ie i haven't time machined or anything like that. I'm not sure if a repair install would fix the issue because technically I don't think its a bug exclusive to my situation (in the Warcraft forums I have read a few posts of people lamenting the same issue).

That being said, without a backup is there a way to revert to 10.5.3? I'm not sure if I would even want to mess with that, but it may be quicker than a fresh install.
