Upgrade OS


Have an old iBook G4 with OS 10.3.9. Mozilla Firefox 4.0 noted that the OS needs to be at least 10.5. Which OS would be best to buy to upgrade my mac?
Have 1.2 GB and 1.2 RAM.
I would go with 10.5.8,which is the highest OS that your IBook will support although you'll have to go to third party sellers to find a new copy,Last I looked, Amazon had some new for $139 ! A note about Firefox. For the G series of PPC's you might want to try TenFourFox as your browser. They are custom ports of the Firefox browser for PPC and the latest release is 7.0. Only drawback is that it doesn't support flash in any way.
OSX 10.4 will run well on your IBook. However you will be limited as to any new programs you'll be able to install. The newer versions of ITunes,IPhoto.ILife will not run on 10.4 also most newer browsers will not run on it as well although you can use the newest versions of TenFourFox or Camino browsers. It really depends on how your going to use it !
Just FYI, there is no cost difference between 10.5 and 10.5.8. All "point" upgrades (upgrades which change the third number in the version number, like 10.4 to 10.4.8) are absolutely free, and should be installed.

If you install 10.5, run Software Update to download and install all pertinent software and OS upgrades to your system. After doing this until Software Update reports no more updates are available, you will be running 10.5.8.

Major point upgrades (like from 10.4 to 10.5) cost money, but "minor" point upgrades are free (and good for your soul as well).