Upgrading h/w for OSX - is more MHz better than dual G4s?

Originally posted by jackd
the programmer can make apps use multiple processors more effectively by "threading" them-- that is, spinning off separate threads of execution.

I totally agree, but this good programming practice has nothing to do with the number of processor on board... Good modern programming practices suggests that one should always multi-thread...

One of the things I like about the Be OS is that apps using the standard Be libraries get a lot of threads for free: all the UI stuff gets its own thread, for example. I'm pretty sure that OS X doesn't provide this degree of auto-threading...

I don't know about this, but I would guess that if it is only a matter of librairies, then this situation can be easily improved upon at a later date by updating the librairies... This will be easy to do since the librairy architecture (framework) in OS X is so adaptative.
I agree with many of the things said here, but as we have read many times Mhz is not everything. I have been working on an "old" PowerMac G4 500 (single processor) and I am really happy with this machine. It works fast and reliably. I have installed MacOS X and I think it makes the machine much more powerfull and faster than MacOS 9.x (with the final release of OS X it will be "really" noticeable).

Now I have tried one of those 733 new machines (with MacOS 9.x) and I have to say it seems a little bit faster, but that's all. What is the real performance upgrade in productivity you get when changing machines that are not so distant in the developement chain? A 10-15 percent?

Then I have tried one of the "old" PowerMac G4 500 MP (dual processor) and I have to say I go with it. The fact is I could find one at a bargain price and I think it is a much better option than a 733, specially in my case, that I will go with Mac OS X right away and I don't need a DVD burner.

BTW, anyone to practice Spanish? ;)
yo tengo algunas espanol en mi cabeza. el es muy pequeno. Thats problably all wrong, but its all in the name of stretching the boundaries of grammar : p
First of all:
I second the motion that Mhz is not everything :-)

Non conosco la lingia spagnola .... ma ... parlo uno pocissimo d'italiano .... LOL ...
Noi possiamo parlare in italiano ??? :-p lol

ok enough with the practice (for now lol ... )

(Russian and japanese to follow next semester :-P .... greek and french always available, inquire within lol )

you would be surprised how similar spanish and italin are, i understood it all. or at least in my mind i did. now. german. thats a language you actually need to study for, thats why i take spanish.
C’est avec plaisir que je parlerais en français ! Qui veut jaser avec moi ? AdmiralAK, peut-être ?

C'est indéniable : ce forum est international ! Ce n'est plus un forum sur Mac OS X, c'est un forum des nations !

Well-written MacOS X drivers (and Darwin) run in their own threads in kernel space. That allows the drivers to take advantage of SMP seamlessly. You can see an example of a driver at http://www.darwinfo.com (or was it .org?) and the actual code that creates the thread.
So multi-processor boxes running MacOS X take advantage of their processors no matter what, even if they only run non MP-aware apps. Even downloading is incrementally speeded up (I mean, your additional CPU(s) won't sit there like ducks).
Multiprocessing machines are nice :-)
I wish apple had not discontinued them (at lest keep them going and not stop production even for a little while)

as for french...
pourquoi pas ?? mais mon français est terrible lol.. je n'ai pas parlé la langue pour... quatres ans!...

mais c'est une opportunite ;-)
