Upgrading OS X Server 10.1.4 to 10.2


Does the installer for OS X Server 10.2 work as the installer for OS X Client 10.2? Can I "upgrade" my system and keep all the configuration I've made on the server?

I'm using Apache, PHP 4, MySQL, AFP, Built-in FTP Server, Built-in SSH, Timbuktu Pro. I have password-protected directories on my webpage. I have ftp-only users.

It all comes down to one question:
Will everything work after I upgrade to 10.2?

I haven't bought OS X Server 10.2 yet, and don't know exactly what's included.
Is the install divided between 2 CDs like the Client install? I've been told that there is something called Administration Tools and Mac Manager. Are they included? And is there anything else included?