Urgent powermac 8600 problem


Hello everyone,

We run a non profit community tv station here in dublin ireland and our editing mac will not boot. its a powermac 8600 with 200mhz processor and 128mb ram. there is a media 100 support card and two raid array scsi disks hooked up via fiber channel (I think?).

I think we are running mac os 8

the problem is that when we press the power button for the mac the button lights green and the fans go around. I cant seem to hear the hard disk moving either. the screen does not power on like it normally should. Also the normal user states it doesnt give a chime sound like it normally does when it starts.

I have tried to open the mac take out the battery and restart the computer but nothing has changed.

any ideas?

I really would appreaciate any help possible

thank you for reading!

many thanks
well, if it does the same with the battery out, you may need a new battery. there are some macs that will not start with bad batteries. have you tried holdind down command+option+p+r right when it starts up? if that doesn't help, there is a little red (or grey) button near the cpu card on the motherboard. it is called the cuda reset. when the computer off push it only once. then close your computer and try to boot again. if it still doesn't work, then i'd go into trobleshoot mode. pull all the cards, drives, and all the ram but one stick and try to boot. if it does boot, then start adding one thing at a time untill it doesn't boot, and then you know what is bad. just remember, that is an old mac, and it may have just died for good.
Thank you so much for the prompt reply!:)

I fixed it. Apparently the machine was overheating (dirty fan) and let it cool for a while but didnt boot. Opened up the machine to find two ram sticks had come loose from the heat!

All fixed now
Once again Many thanks!
I really do appreciate it!
