USB Flash Drive Date Issues


I'd love it if anyone could help answer this question that I posted awhile back:

I have 2 Ibooks: one has OSX and the other is on the highest version of the old OS9. Something odd happened the other day with a new USB flash drive I started using. I was transfering files (word docs) onto a flash drive. When I inserted the flash drive in the old iBook, each file (and document) showed the date Dec 9, even though the docs were from Dec. 16. When I inserted the flash drive in the newer iBook, it showed the correct dates for each doc. I tried this back and forth, and found the same thing. Yet, all the dates are correct on everything on my hard drive on the old iBook. It only is a problem with this new flash drive I'm using. It never happened before. What could be the problem?

This is the second thread on the same subject that you have started in two days. Such behavior is a gross violation of etiquette.
Hi MisterMe, So nice to hear from you. So sorry but I didn't know that posting first on December 26th (not 2 days ago) and not hearing anything was a violation of etiquette. Please accept my apologies. And I will hope someone will answer me in the next month or two.
Happy New Year