usb hd not recognized


I have a macbook running OSX 10.5
and I am not able to see the USB HD.
The problem started today when some wireless keyboard update stopped and restarted the mac.
Iam not able to connect the keyboard through BT
good day

As I told you before I have a wireless aluminum keyboard working with my mac book.
A few weeks ago The keyboard was replaced by the supplier because it did not work after an update.
Two weeks ago I received through the web an update from apple for my keyboard (Aluminum Keyboard Firmware Update 1.0). Once updated the blue tooth peripheral was not recognized by the system. I went again to the supplier and got a new keyboard again.
I have no complains about the supplier but I think that the maker has to make some kind of revision, because something is wrong with the update that by chance appears on this very moment on my screen.
I will not update the keyboard until the problem will be solved.
Please inform all users about the update problem.
Thank you for the attention
