USB Hub in Linksys form factor?


I am pretty picky when it comes to the look and the design of computer stuff... I guess. My latest "quest" is to find a 7 port USB hub that stacks with my two Linksys components. Curiously, Linksys does sell a USB hub but it's got its own style.

I know it's a shot in the dark, but does anybody have any ideas? I'm sure I won't do this, but I even thought of getting a busted Linksys product and gutting it and mounting another USB hub inside... sorta stupid, heh? :)
Meh. I bought the Kensington hub. It's pretty good. The weighted base could be heavier yet (why don't they just incorporate the power supply into the main unit????)
Listen, I would give you serious kudos if you managed to shove that into a linksys 8 port switch casing.... I'm sure you can get one on the cheap from ebay. That would be an awesome mod idea :) *thinks about it a little more... * hmmm....
Well, the half-sphere model I just bought would be impossible to fit... but there are other more flat models that might be more conducive to the project. I love working the word "conducive" into my conversations... :D

And btw, I happen to have a Linksys 8 port switch just sitting here... But I'd rather keep it a switch!