USB-IF using Macs?


Evil PPC Tweaker
I am actually doing a bit of development for a very large, nameless Windows-oriented company in the USB field at the moment. *cough*

So, part of the development required the latest USB spec documents from the USB-IF group (the 'company' in charge of the specification). Well, I grab the latest documentation in a ZIP file and low and behold... something unusual appears on my WinXP development workstation... I see the handiwork of MacOS X's built-in ZIP support:
__MACOSX folders in the zip file for the extra forks.

Now, it might just be a small section of the USB-IF group that is writing/packaging the documentation... but honestly, isn't this group heavily backed by Intel? Isn't Intel heavily backed by MS? Or has the USB-IF group turned away from using Intel hardware for a lot of their work? Weird.
"heavily backed" is a dangerous phrase to use. Business partners aren't like a husband and wife. They don't necessarily have to be 100% faithful to one another. Take IBM and Microsoft for example, they compete in various markets but partner in others. IBM certainly is a competitor of Intel, yet there exists IBM servers/workstations that use Xeon and even Itanium CPUs.

I forget where it was mentioned, but even in Microsoft HQ, their creative team used Macs for designing graphics and such. Someone was poking around an image on MS' website and found an embedded note saying it was made on a Mac. Go figure.

Put your mind to rest, don't worry about it too much. It's not the end of the world if a company uses a competitor's product. Really, it's not that big a deal. Sure it's humorous and laughable. But in the end that's all it is... funny.
Thanks for correcting an attitude I didn't have... considering I myself laughed at this discovery. Your post is amusing too, since it reads too much into my post's tone, and then you say I am reading too much into this (Sarcasm/etc just suck without tags stating it is sarcasm *grin*). It is just ironic that all the USB specs are packaged up into a ZIP file using Apple's OS. I just find it weird that such an Intel-centric organization would have documentation produced this way.

Although I can use 'heavily backed' in this case considering Intel essentially owned the patents/etc for USB, and has been pushing it as their baby since its inception. The group was formed much like the MPEG-LA to keep the standard accessible as an entity onto itself.

As for putting my mind to rest, take a nice big guess which big nameless company I am currently working for. I'll give you a hint, you mentioned it in your post. ;)
IBM is heavily backing Linux these days. They also own the PowerPC specs, make the G5 processors we all like (or would like). Also, they just finalized the sale of their PC unit - there will be no more IBM desktop PCs made...
Krevinek said:
As for putting my mind to rest, take a nice big guess which big nameless company I am currently working for. I'll give you a hint, you mentioned it in your post. ;)
Eh, a company that big can't possible be "nameless." How would they file their taxes? :p

You presumed at I assumed that you presumed that I assumed... ad-nauseum. So what kind of reply/reaction were you hoping to get anyhow? Now I don't know what to think/say.

Drinks on your tab Mr. Bigshot? :D
Sure? Why not, I don't have big bills, although it might be difficult to get yerself up to Redmond. :P
Fear not, I'm on the other side of the country, I'm an east coaster. But you'll be surprised at the lengths I'll go to for a free drink.
Well, if you could make it to the Celtic Bayou (good selection of microbrews and other drinks they make on location) in Redmond... I would take you up on it.

Although back on topic, it is just amusing the sort of hypocrasy companies/groups show on public versus internal policies.