USB Power drop after VM Fusion installed?


Okay ... strange problem, hopefully someone has an idea to help.

I have a MacBook with 3 GB of RAM.

I installed XP Pro using BootCamp. Once it was all set up and functioning properly, I installed Fusion. I open fusion and run the "Boot Camp Partion" and XP works great.

Everything seems to be fine except my USB ports. When I plug in my BlackBerry to a USB port on my MacBook with just OSX running, I get an error saying the USB doesn't have enough power to run the BB.

To make it work, I have to open Fusion, load XP, sync using the BB software on the XP, turn off Fusion, and THEN it will run on OSX.

It's as if my USB ports are not fully functional under OSX until after XP boots.

Any ideas?