USB2.0 WD External Hard drive problem


I already tried searching the forums, but unfortunately i cannot find the one the matches my case.

I just recently purchased a Western Digital 3.5" 8mb Cache HDD (Black Edition) and an external hdd casing that sez its is compatible with mac ver 9.1 or higher (im using Mac 10.4), because there is only 200mb left in my 60gb hdd in my powerbook.

The problem is my powerbook cannot detect the usb ext drive (the WD HDD is fresh and unformatted), it doesn't even show up in the disk utilities. My tech said that it needed to be mounted first before it can be formatted to mac.

What can i do, please help.
Heimdall said:
My tech said that it needed to be mounted first before it can be formatted to mac.
That's one hell of an idiotic statement -- that's like saying if you're out of gas, you need to drive to the gas station and fill up.

You cannot "mount" a hard drive unless it's been formatted already, so mounting the hard drive to format it is out of the question. In fact, a hard drive must be unmounted in order to format it.

What model # is the WD hard drive? What brand and kind of external case do you have? Did you jumper the hard drive correctly, according to the case's specifications?