Use a shared printer hooked up to a pc


My brother has a macbook with OSX 10.5.4.
We have a windows desktop with an epsom cx3700 printer plugged in via usb and shared through our network.
We have a laptop that can wirelessly connect to the network and use the shared printer to print.
My brother would like to do the same thing with his macbook.
Could anyone offer some help?
I have tried many guides for OSX 10.x.x where x are different numbers to my brothers version but they all have different screens and setup options.I am sure the printer can be used with a mac because he has been able to install the drivers with the cd the printer came with (it had a pc version and mac version) and hook up his mac via usb and print with the printer.
any help that could be offered would be appreciated...
First thing to know - the Epson-provided driver is for direct USB only (works for Mac-to-Mac sharing, but that's not your situation).
The print system in OS X, and the network protocols, like Windows Printing and IP printing, are provided by CUPS. You need a CUPS driver for network printing. The free Gutenprint drivers included by Apple in OS X, are an example of CUPS drivers. You may need to update your Gutenprint version to support the CX3700:

Even though for 10.4, this is still the best setup guide:

There's also this - which can be found on the Mac under "Help:"
hi there...
i have gone through and added the shared printer... used the guterprint driver (or whatever its called) and then when i print it asks me for a username and password... i put in the username and password computer that the printer is hooked up to, it pops up with the printer and that the document is printing and then it dissapears and the printer does nothing...
any ideas?
i dont think it is the norton antivirus on the host pc because i disabled that once to see if that was the problem...
this is what happened when i looked at the shared printer on the laptop that can print off from it...

although the desktop was logged off... don;t know that contributes to anything,,,
that is annoying... i tried to put the large image up but it got scaled down... i think i found out the problem though (and btw the picture showed about 10 documents in the print lineup under the user guest and none of them doing anyting)... the printer was unplugged (silly me i know) so i will try again with the printer plugged in this time :rolleyes: