use any hdd?


Can I use any laptop HDD to run in my g3 700 ibook? or, does it need to be a mac specific unit?

Reason: the 30gb it came with has packed in.

I have a 40gb external unit and I took it apart and put it in my ibook.The problem was that it would not boot from CD.Now if this was a windows based machine I would have said the jumpers on the HDD were set wrong (slave/master) is this the same on mac.

I need help to get my machine working.

Yes, you can use standard laptop hard drives as long as the connection is of the same type. The jumpers and so on operate in exactly the same way as to a PC with that type of connection (IDE, EIDE, ATA, S-ATA, etc). This sort of work is best undertaken by a qualified technician though.
Yes, you can use standard laptop hard drives as long as the connection is of the same type. The jumpers and so on operate in exactly the same way as to a PC with that type of connection (IDE, EIDE, ATA, S-ATA, etc). This sort of work is best undertaken by a qualified technician though.

This is incorrect! Toshiba is NOT supported in the drivers; and, should you put an incompatible hdd into an iBook, it will disable all boot devices, including the CD/DVD ROM. I just experienced this yesterday, and with even Apple saying that a 2.5" IDE is a 2.5" IDE, I found myself chasing my tail. However, if you do some searching, particularly on "Toshiba Harddrive in my iBook" you will find your problem being repeated all over the place.

Go get a Hitachi. Make sure and do a zero-overwrite erasure, and have at it.
I literally just got done installing Panther (updates are happening less than 9" on my right) and everything is going smooth.