used ibook - install tiger with no dvd?


i recently got an ibook g4 running 10.3.9. i also have an imac g5 running the latest 10.4.x. unfortunately, i've misplaced my tiger install dvd that came with the imac so all i have are panther discs. even if i did have the dvd, though, i couldnt use it with the ibook as it only has a cd-rom drive.

is there any safe/reliable method of cloning/copying the library/system from my imac and dropping it on my ibook? or am i stuck until i find my tiger dvd?

If the Tiger DVD came with the computer, it will be linked to that computer, it wouldn't work in the iBook. You need to buy a commercial copy of Tiger.
no, the tiger disc was a full install disc - the computer came with 10.3.9 + the tiger upgrade/install. i've used it on other computers with no problem.

regardless, that doesn't answer my question about getting tiger to my ibook at all...
Never the less, the Tiger license is for 1 computer, to install it on the iBook, you would be expected to remove it from the iMac.
Any help to do otherwise from this website could be construed as enabling piracy.

The retail version of Tiger is for one computer. Apple will replace the DVD for the CD (5 CDs, I believe) version.
ALWAYS when you purchase upgrades from Apple - purchase the family pack if you have more than one mac in the same location!!! Very inexpensive, very pratical! Even iWork is only like $15 more for the 5 user family disk, 10.4 Family box is maybe $25 more for liscence on 5 machines in one location (not for business - but for home, student use). Just make sure it's on the label on the box, once you open (the wrong box) it's yours...