Used mac wanted


Are there any reputable vendors that sell pre-owned macs? I'm looking to buy a 15-inch powerbook g4 and a 20-inch iMac g4 but will settle for comparable systems. Thanks.
There are a lot of them . . . and a lot who are not. Caveat emptor. You can try Apple Stores and Mac vendors who often have computers they are trying to unload. Otherwise, I suggest finding a "Local" dealer so you can see and inspect the product. You can also make sure that if something goes wrong, you can find the guy! Like . . . if it turns out to be stolen! Or if you find out that something is not working or wrong you are not trying to mail back a computer and all of that crapolla!

You also want to make sure it comes with legitimate Installation Disks. Too many people come HERE with a problem that would have been solved if they did not post, "I have no idea where my disks are," or "it did not come with them!"

I have a local dealer, and if you PM me I will give you his contact information. He is probably not local to you.

Thanks you both for your replies. I'll give myself a little more time looking in hope to find "the perfect deal," so anyone with advice or more suggestions I'll be happy to hear them. Thank you.
Ask around your friends, work or school colleagues, facebook etc. Where I work, several colleagues have sold their Macs when upgrading. It takes sometimes a really faint rumor to get several people interested. Plus when you know the person selling (or it is the friend of A friend, not a friend of a friend of a friend..) it is much better if there would be any problems when compared to an unknown ebay/craigslist ad.

And when buying even from a friend, make a written deal ("I so and so sell the mac with these and those specs to this and that person for that price on day xyz place zyx" - even handwritten is ok), just in case.

(Three of my Macs I've sold to colleagues, one (and two PCs) to a relative, one Mac via an ad, and I've got myself the Dell mini via a Craigslist ad, when mr. Giaguara had a work colleague in common with the seller who was working at Dell - so I always try to get the Macs a new loving home and cover myself and the buyer/seller as appropriate)