User Account backup (Pref's and such) Software?!, ...So i can move to a Fresh 1

...Yup, the title ses it all really. I have a Guest account for my bro to use, now i logged into it a minute ago, and "MAN" , it feels ALOT Snappier, etc etc ... so i am thinking, i might try migrating to a new account. But obviously i had a lot of pref's i wanna keep ... Does anyone know of anything Free, that i can use to archive up individual things and apply them to a new account, i don't fancy going thru it alll manually!

Thank Ya!
I would assume just copying your Library directory to the new user and changing its owner/group would bring over most (if not all) of your user prefs. But maybe something in your current prefs is bogging your system down? Might be interesting to go thru them one at a time and see what it is.

You could also use the "Archive and Install" feature on the Install Disk. If I'm not mistaken it basically just installs a new OS and bundled apps etc. but leaves your user's home directories intact. I believe when you get to the part where you select a destination to install an "Options" button appears. Archive and Install is one of these options.

Really though, if a corrupt pref is the culprit manually would be the best way to find out which one it is. If you just dumped your Library folder with a corrupt file into a fresh Home directory the sluggishness would follow.