User logons fails on second attempt


10.3.9 server running as ODM and hosting user homes.
Various mac clients, all on 10.3.9 and have been successfully authenticating and working happily for a good 2 years.
Recently, if a user logs off (say at night) and then tries to log on again in the morning, they'll get the SSBBD - killing WindowServer via ssh and retrying results in the same thing. Rebooting the client and trying again results in success! Logging out instantaneously and logging back in results in the SBBOD.

Given that all the clients exhibit the same problem, I assume that the server is at fault, but am struggling to see a log that would help me.
Recent updates are iTunes 6.0.4 to all the clients (surely not the cause?!?) - and the server has now been patched to the latest items.

Any thoughts/questions would be most appreciated.
I'd consider running directory service debug mode on the server to see what the exact calls are in the background that are stalling.

Thanks Michael - nice to 'see' you again :)
Just to be clear, you're suggesting the command:
killall -USR2 DirectoryService
to be run on the workstation whilst in single user mode?
Could you be kind enough to give me pointer as to what I may be looking for?

(apologies for the delayed response to this, I got called away unexpectedly the last few days).