User Preferences Not Updating (WGM OS X Server 10.5.2)


Hi folks, first post! Got some confusing behaviour...

Problem: When we set "user" based preferences in WGM they are not rolled out to the users (setting "computer", or "computer group" preferences works as expected). For example, if I set iCal as a login item for a specific user, then the user logs out and back in, iCal does not start as a login item. The preference *is* set on the server however because if the user unpairs their account from the server, then logs out, then logs in and re-pairs with the server, the preference is rolled out accordingly. What could be the reason for this? Why aren't user preferences being updated at every login? Is there a way I can force user preferences to be updated at login?

Background: We use WGM on OSX Server 10.5.2 with mainly Leopard OSX laptops and desktop machines on the network.

Hope you can help
You could try deleting out the MCX information from the user account.


The manifests are the MCX preferences.

You could also try deleting out the MCX cache via dscl:

dscl . -delete /Config/mcx_cache

Remember, you want to be doing this on the client machine, not the server! Always test out these suggestions on a non-critical machine with non-critical data! :)

Hi, I don't have any file in ~/Library/Preferences/

I do have ~/Library/Preferences/ but deleting that doesn't do anything... it is just recreated as it was and preferences still aren't updated after a logout/in cycle.

The dscl command doesn't work either. There is no mcx_cache in /Config. Using dscl I did find an mcx_cache in /LDAPv3/ but I can't delete that because I get permission denied. I tried mcxdelete and that command succeeds, but it doesn't delete the file.

Still no clearer!