User problems


so somewhere in the midst of trying to set up a filesharing network between 2 computers in my house, I seem to have screwed up my account. All I did was turn on filesharing, and then change the permissions under my public folder, the next time I signed in all my preferences and files were only accessible through my user folder. Its as if Im signing in as someone else, but Im not. This isnt the end of the world, but its really going to be annoying to deal with. Can I fix it?
Hate to break this to you, but if you are logging into a shared volume, then you are logging in as someone else.
then how do I unshare my computer. I just wanted to be able to exchange files over our network, and I even went as far as to delete the second account I set up.
You don't need to create another account to share between computers. You just need to enable file sharing on any PC/Mac that you want to be able to share files.

If your using a Mac to access a shared folder on a PC for example you just select Go/Network which should list all networked computers. Simply select the PC you wish to log into and either log in as a guest or user. Your access priviliges will depend on how you have set up your guest/user accounts.