All right guys, this might be old news to some but has been a personal fight for me having no experience in Linux or Unix. I have just figured out how to access the ROOT account in OS X PB. Alright here it goes. Go into NetInfo to the Users subdirectory. Click the user "Root". Copy in some way the settings of the user and then delete the user "root". Yes I said delete him. Close the NetInfo window and watch the fun start. When you try to access the menu it tells you that the computer "/" has no root user changes cannot be made. Quit NetInfo using Cmd-Q. Now go into "Multiple Users" in the utils folder and make a new user..."Root". Make the Real name System and the short "root" makes sure to make it an admin. Close Multiple users and go back into NetInfo Manager. You will notice right away that the error is gone but the process isn't done yet. Now copy all the settings except for password settings back over to make sure that the system still functions properly. You know have unrestricted access of your computer and can reek havoc from anywhere. Advantages that I love I can log in with telnet and using the SU command become the root and do whatever I want from anywhere. Be careful to not mess anything up.