Username/Password Issue



I'm running OSX 10.3.9 on a G4 desktop. When I try Go > Connect to Server and enter the server address, I get an error telling me that the username or password is not correct. However, I never even get a chance to input a username or password - it never asks for one. I can connect to other servers from this computer and am also able to connect to the server I'm attempting to reach from the G4 from other Macs in the office. I've also tried creating a new user on the G4 and signing on to log into the directory, but am still getting the username password error. Any help would be appreciated.

Sounds like you've got a keychain item for that server share that has the incorrect username/password. Try removing this from your keychain, then reconnect to the server share and it should ask you for your username/password.
Thanks for the quick reply, ElDiabloConCaca! Sorry I forgot to mention that I did delete this, and all items in fact, from the keychain.