Using Alarms


Issac Newton loves Apple
Simple Question: How do I set up an alarm on my Mac? Like, I wanna wake up by 7:00 am, can the Mac do some sound to wake me up or anything like that? What software do I use for Alarm?

You can boot your mac up automatically by going to System Preferences -> Energy Saver -> Schedule -> Start up the computer -> select your desired day -> and enter your desired time.
The mac chime will sound but it may not be enough to wake you up, If I were you I would turn your speakers up and restart the computer just to make sure of the volume.
You can use 'iCal' to schedule for an alarm for each weeday at 7 AM, to run an AppleScript script. The script instructs 'iTunes' to play.

The script file code (to be entered into 'Script Editor', located in the '/Applications/AppleScript/' folder) is this ...

tell application "iTunes" to play

... Save the above code as 'Wake_up.scpt'.

01. From within 'iCal', create a new 'Calendar'. Title it 'Wake up!'.
02. Select 'iCal's 'View, Month View' menu item.
03. Double click on (the calendar's) 'Monday'. The 'Info' window will appear.
04. Click on the window's 'all-day' check box.
05. Click on the 'repeat' popup menu (most likely displaying 'None'), and select the 'Custom...' menu item. A window will appear.
06. Select the 'Frequency:'s popup menu's 'Weekly' menu item; click on the 'T', 'W', 'T', and 'F' buttons, and then click the 'OK' button.
07. Click on the 'alarm' popup menu (most likely displaying 'None'), and select the 'Run Script' menu item. Below 'Run Script' two (2) new popup menus will appear.
08. Click on the first popup menu below 'Run Script', and select 'Other...'. A navigation ('Open') window will appear.
09. Navigate to, and select, 'Wake_up.scpt'; and, click on the 'Select' button.
10. Click on the second popup menu below 'Run Script', and select 'On date'.
11. Set the time values to '07.00'.
12. Close the 'Info' window.
13. Double click on 'New Event' on 'Moday', enter 'Wake up', and press the '<return>' key. An alert box will appear stating 'Changing a recurring event ...'.
14. Click on the 'All' button.
15. Under 'Calendars', remove the check mark to the left of 'Wake up!'.