Here's yet another Airport Express configuration question.
In my current setup, my cable modem is connected via ethernet to a Linksys 5-port wireless router. That router in turn is connected via ethernet to a Linksys wireless access point downstairs. I use a wired connection between the two because the signal degrades quickly between floors. The setup works nicely, and gives me good wireless coverage on both floors.
Here's my question: will I be able to replace the wireless access point downstairs with an Airport Express (still connecting it to the router via ethernet), and then wirelessly extend the range of that first Airport Express with a second Airport express?
The issue, as I see it, is whether the first Airport Express can be configured as an ethernet-connected access point to a non-Apple router, but still extend its range to a second Airport Express. And if not, would the same configuration work if the Linksys router was replaced with an Airport Extreme Base Station?