Using an Airport Express as an AP

I don't know anyone, except maybe business users (of which there are few, though I don't have exact figures) who would really need the Airport Base Station at this point, now that Express is available.
The Stations offer signal encryption. That is one thing I haven't heard about the Express. Perhaps for future buyers (or those struggling along without a Base Station already), the Express will be enough.
Many of us who already have a Base Station will still get an Express or two, partly for the AirTunes option, partly to extend the network range and partly for taking it when having to travel.
Some people could say you don't need a desktop Mac with a good laptop available. Others would rather have the desktop with more punch. Same goes for the iPod, same goes for the AirPort.
And now, you have your choices.
bobw said:
Correct you are.

That's what I thought - still, before I buy one, can you confirm that an Airport Express would work to relay a wireless network between an iMac G3 using Airport (not extreme) and acting as a software base station and an other iMac also using regular Airport, and this without needing any wired connection to anything?

Kinniken said:
can you confirm that an Airport Express would work to relay a wireless network between an iMac G3 using Airport (not extreme) and acting as a software base station and an other iMac also using regular Airport, and this without needing any wired connection to anything?
Can't buy one yet, well you can buy one but not take delivery yet. The link I posted to Apple explains it all.
Here's yet another Airport Express configuration question.

In my current setup, my cable modem is connected via ethernet to a Linksys 5-port wireless router. That router in turn is connected via ethernet to a Linksys wireless access point downstairs. I use a wired connection between the two because the signal degrades quickly between floors. The setup works nicely, and gives me good wireless coverage on both floors.

Here's my question: will I be able to replace the wireless access point downstairs with an Airport Express (still connecting it to the router via ethernet), and then wirelessly extend the range of that first Airport Express with a second Airport express?

The issue, as I see it, is whether the first Airport Express can be configured as an ethernet-connected access point to a non-Apple router, but still extend its range to a second Airport Express. And if not, would the same configuration work if the Linksys router was replaced with an Airport Extreme Base Station?
You should read more of this forum before your post. Randman has some good, concise observations. I still think, though, that the marketing for the Airport Express has been a bit sub-par and murky at best.
Natobasso said:
You should read more of this forum before your post. Randman has some good, concise observations. I still think, though, that the marketing for the Airport Express has been a bit sub-par and murky at best.

Hmmm. Spectacularly unhelpful. Can anyone be constructive?