Using Fink?


I want to install a Unix Program, DESMUME, using Fink, for the purpose of testing out Homebrew games before placing them on my DS. Is there anyway I can do this?
If it's in the Fink repositories, then it should be able to install. If not, then you might have to compile it from source (make sure you have the Developer Tools installed in order to compile from source).

You might also want to look at DarwinPorts.
I downloaded it off as you would any OS X app. It has a file called install, which when I open it in terminal, it says permission denied. I did this using the Root, so there's no way that it shouldn't have permission. Also, I can open stuff in the command line, and that's about it. I tried out Ubuntu and EduBuntu, but those are graphical. How do I open it?

Thanks in advance.

-Mr. Wizard
yeah Fink is an app that acts as a package manager, similar to apt-get in Debian Linux and other Debian-based Linux distributions. A repository is a storage location that holds all of the applications that a particular package manager uses to install/remove/update packages downloaded using that particular package manager.

What I meant about DESMUME being available in the Fink repositories is that you would have to install the application using Fink. The Fink installation comes with a version of FinkCommander that's a graphical front-end for Fink. I recommend using that instead of the command line Fink command. Once you have FinkCommander running, you can search for DESMUME through FinkCommander and if it comes up there, then you can select to install it.

If you downloaded DESMUME from Softpedia, then it's probably just the source which would need to be compiled, hence the need for the Developer Tools from Apple to be installed on your Mac. Then you would have to uncompress the file, then open Terminal and navigate to that uncompressed directory that was created. Then you would have to type the following to compile it (if it has a makefile, which most source-provided apps use):

./configure [--prefix=<path-of-directory-you-want-it-installed>] <hit Return> *
make <hit Return>
sudo make install <hit Return>
(provide your user password when prompted)

* The "--prefix=" switch might not be necessary, but if you want it in a particular location then you have to specify it. Typing "./configure --help" will show the help file and tell you where the default path will be for the prefix. It's usually either in /usr/local or /usr.
I had a couple of problems
•It was not on Fink
•Finkcommander had a random problem anyway
•I got this wierd Terminal error when I tried to compile
(The Asterisks in the filenames are put in there to replace the username and computername for safety's sake.)

******:/users/********/downloads/dsemu root# ls
.DS_Store config.h dsregisters.h main.c
.binaries dbgout.c emu.h main.h
.boring dbgout.h err.h main.rc
Licence-BSD defs.h font5x7.h mmu.h
Makefile dma.h gba.c msvc6
arm.h ds.c gba.def plugin.c
arm7.h ds.def gba.h plugin.h
arm7dasm.c ds.rc gba.rc readme.txt
arm7dasm.h ds16.ico gbadma.c readme.txt.old
arm7func.h ds32.ico gbagpu.c res.h
arm7x86.c dsabout.bmp gbaint.c resource.h
arm9.h dsaccelerators.c gbammu.c sram.c
arm9dasm.c dsaccelerators.h gladius-dsgpu.c sram.h
arm9dasm.h dsdma.c glds.c thumb7x86.c
arm9func.h dsemu.ini glgba.c thumb9x86.c
arm9x86.c dsint.c gpu.h timers.c
bioshack.asm dsint.h int.h timers.h
bioshack.bin dsioreg.h ioreg.h unzip.cpp
bioshack9.asm dsmmumain.c key.h unzip.h
bioshack9.bin dsmmumain.h log.c unziplib.h
bkpt.h dsmmusub.c log.def vtbl.h
buildbios.bat dsmmusub.h log.h win.c
cache.h dsregisters.c log.rc win.h
********:/users/********/downloads/dsemu root# ./configure
-sh: ./configure: No such file or directory
********:/users/********/downloads/dsemu root# ./configure -~
-sh: ./configure: No such file or directory
********:/users/********/downloads/dsemu root# man ./configure
./configure: No such file or directory
No manual entry for ./configure
********:/users/********/downloads/dsemu root# ./configure --help
-sh: ./configure: No such file or directory
********:/users/********/downloads/dsemu root# make
cl /c /Ox /Yd /nologo /IE:\vc7\include /IE:\vc7\psdk\include main.c
make: cl: Command not found
make: *** [main.obj] Error 127
********:/users/********/downloads/dsemu root#

Could you please help?
Thanks in advance

-Mr. Wizard
This reply labeled itself with a big, orange "thumbs down" -- I have no idea how that happened, and can't seem to undo it.

First tip, unrelated: When you're trying something you don't quite understand, don't be root. You might do something irreversible that you'll be sorry for later.

If you don't see the script called "configure", you sure can't run it. Looks like you didn't download the source. Try downloading this.

When you untar the archive, you should see a listing more like this:

% l
total 1024
-rw-r--r--    1 user  admin     276 Jan 27 06:03 AUTHORS
-rw-r--r--    1 user  admin   17992 Apr  5  2006 COPYING
-rw-r--r--    1 user  admin    3020 Feb  3 18:27 ChangeLog
-rw-r--r--    1 user  admin       0 Apr  5  2006 INSTALL
-rw-r--r--    1 user  admin   19416 Mar 11 10:02 Makefile
-rw-r--r--    1 user  admin      60 Feb  4 16:35
-rw-r--r--    1 user  admin   19003 Feb  4 16:35
-rw-r--r--    1 user  admin       0 Apr  5  2006 NEWS
-rw-r--r--    1 user  admin    2135 Feb  3 18:30 README
-rw-r--r--    1 user  admin    3106 Feb  3 18:30 README.LIN
-rw-r--r--    1 user  admin    5344 Feb  3 20:07 README.WIN
-rw-r--r--    1 user  admin       0 Apr  5  2006 TODO
-rw-r--r--    1 user  admin   37322 Feb  3 17:50 aclocal.m4
-rwxr-xr-x    1 user  admin      49 Jan  8 15:59*
drwxr-xr-x    4 user  admin     136 Mar 11 10:02 autopackage/
-rwxr-xr-x    1 user  admin    3707 Oct 12 17:59 compile*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 user  admin   42037 Apr  6  2006 config.guess*
-rw-r--r--    1 user  admin   22191 Mar 11 10:02 config.log
-rwxr-xr-x    1 user  admin   28083 Mar 11 10:02 config.status*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 user  admin   30253 Apr  6  2006 config.sub*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 user  admin  202888 Feb  3 17:50 configure*
-rw-r--r--    1 user  admin    3295 Feb  3 17:50
-rwxr-xr-x    1 user  admin   15868 Apr  6  2006 depcomp*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 user  admin    9233 Apr  6  2006 install-sh*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 user  admin   10872 Apr  6  2006 missing*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 user  admin    1801 Apr  6  2006 mkinstalldirs*
drwxr-xr-x   62 user  admin    2108 Mar 11 10:02 src/

This is a typical build directory listing. Notice all the configure-related files. The one you need to run is called "configure", and the first option you tried is indeed the correct one:

% ./configure
I tried configure, and it worked. Is that the installer? Do I need to compile anything? Where can I find a compiler anyway? Where is the file? I'm confused.

-Mr. Wizard

(Oh BTW, my two options are root and simple finder. Is there another way? Can I use sudo in the simple finder?)
Re-read nixgeek's post in this thread re:configure, make, and make install.

Re: using root, do you log in as root? You must have created another user when you first set up your machine. This is the user you should be using in the terminal.

"sudo" is a command to do something as root, without remaining root after the "something" is finished. You never need to prefix commands with sudo if you're already logged in as root; that's redundant.

In OS X, any user with admin permissions (i.e., any user whose "Allow user to administer this computer" option is checked in the Accounts pane in System Preferences) can run sudo.

So the idea here, as illustrated by nixgeek, is to run the first two commands as a non-root user, just because it's good practice. To run "make install", which places the finished binaries and other files in places where they can be accessed by your system, you need to have root permissions. Thus sudo make install instead of make install.

There is plenty of contextual reading you can do on this.