Using iphoto to send photos to Snapfish


Hi, I'm new at this but just took photos I had saved on my computer with iphoto and uploaded them to Snapfish. But on Snapfish the resolution looks too low, even though the photos looked fine on my computer. Any thoughts on what I did wrong and advice on how to correct it? Thanks.
Don't think you are doing anything wrong, I assume Snapfish automatically converts files to about the lowest resolution possible to conserve bandwidth. My friends upload albums of like a hundred pictures at a time and at full resolution that would be quite a bundle! When I download, each image seems well under 200 KB. And after all, Snapfish makes their money by selling full resolution prints.

Here's a slideshow my neighbor uploaded to Snapfish from Greece. On my old CRT iMac, the pictures probably wouldn't even have looked any better at the highest resolution anyway.