I have a machine with 3 partitions
5GB Mac OS 9.1
5GB Mac os X
20GB for file sharing
Under Mac OS X I can not figure out how to share files off of the 20GB partition. OS X seems to only want to share user accounts that reside on the same partition as itself.
can I ...
A.) Share files off the 20GB partition at all?
B.) Create a user on the 20GB partition and share that "user's" files
C.) Do I neet to reinstall Mac OS X on the 20GB Partition?
Any and all feeback appreciated
Thank you!
Hi-Fi Guy
5GB Mac OS 9.1
5GB Mac os X
20GB for file sharing
Under Mac OS X I can not figure out how to share files off of the 20GB partition. OS X seems to only want to share user accounts that reside on the same partition as itself.
can I ...
A.) Share files off the 20GB partition at all?
B.) Create a user on the 20GB partition and share that "user's" files
C.) Do I neet to reinstall Mac OS X on the 20GB Partition?
Any and all feeback appreciated
Thank you!
Hi-Fi Guy