using open in ssh


is it normal I can't use the "open" command while in an ssh session ?

it says :
kCGErrorFailure : initCGDisplayState: No display interlock
Bus error

is there some workaround ? what I want to do it open -a "Disk copy" myVirtualPCdiskImage when i'm not home to get my files.
the open command launches to the default GUI application in the default window manager

in the default parent GUI is your home machine's quartz display manager.

from remote, you have no parent GUI...unless you are in a xsession through vnc or the likes.

you are calling open "disk image file" which should launch Disk copy.

the same functionality is availble from the command line with some combination of hdid, hdiutils, and mount. read the respective man pages to get a clue.

then you can mount your image and navigate to th image by

cd /Volumes/"name of your image volume"