
I can't install OS X on my G4/400 for i am using a Pro Formance videocard to be able to connect to my SGI-TFT.
I do not use the build in ATI-videocard.
The Result is a black screen when i start from the OS X CD.

Thanks to all

I also have a Proformance videocard, on my 9600, and it´s working for me.
first i installed OS X with my original 604ev prosessor installed and it worked, but when i switched over to my G3-upgrade it didn´t...
So i put the Proformance card in PCI slot 1 instead, as i read somewere, and then it worked.
But i can´t get the card to accelerate AQUA, it runs smoother on my Powerbook G3 with has a not so good video card.
If anyone know how to get support for the proformance in X please tell me
I'm using the proformance 3 card in a DP 500 G4 ...
Can everyone please email people at to:
1: come out with osx drivers
2: release an AGP card ..

anyone know any other cards that for with the sgi 1600W?

I'd rather not buy the multi link connector!!