Using The F-Keys


I was wondering if there is a way you can use the F-Keys in X.1 like in OS 9.1 where you can just press the key and no need to hold control or without having to use QuiKeys/:confused:
No, not that I know of. The F12 key opens/closes the cd-tray, but you probably knew that. Wait for 10.2, maybe Apple implements it then...
Just found out: if you press F5 in exporer, the page gets refreshed :D
Originally posted by julguribye
No, not that I know of. The F12 key opens/closes the cd-tray, but you probably knew that. Wait for 10.2, maybe Apple implements it then...
Just found out: if you press F5 in exporer, the page gets refreshed :D

Cool, thanks, that's actually pretty handy :)
I can't stand that F12 crap! I'm constantly opening the cdrom when I chat with friends...

I'd really like a better keyboard control panel so I can remove this so-called-feature.

:-P there it goes again... better close it now.
Once I updated to 10.1.2 the F12 key quit opening the cd tray, after I just got used to it. No big deal though, I use a pro keyboard.

"F5 refreshes..." for me it's easier to hit Cmd-R, since my left hand is almost always on the keyboard (thumb on command key).
F12 cd opening still happens to me...And I am using 10.1.2:confused:

Another thing: In explorer: press the delete key to go back:cool:
No, there is a way to program the F-keys to do certain things, there's a program over at: or sorry, this is as far as I go though. I have no clue what the name of the application is or exactly what it does, but I know it can help you setup those F-keys.
Originally posted by Trip
No, there is a way to program the F-keys to do certain things, there's a program over at: or sorry, this is as far as I go though. I have no clue what the name of the application is or exactly what it does, but I know it can help you setup those F-keys.

Going "back" in IE...using cmd-left arrow, easier for me than to use delete. Not necessarily easier, I've just been doing it so long. This comes from years of Photoshop, to us PS users, the "home row" is not A-S-D-F, but Control-Option-Command-Spacebar. :D
I know that a the keys do a few things like f15 makes the contrast go up and f14 goes down i just was hoping there was away to do it the same as in os 9, i agree and hope that apple will make this change as it makes using the computer easier for me
thanks, i didn't know about f14 and 15. cool. i do know that f12 works in 10.1.2, you just have to hold it down longer so that it helps eliminate hitting it by accident.:cool:

i just got a fancy new ergonomic keyboard and am figuring out what works in osx. osx drivers for all the cool stuff on it are still in the works. they will be out soon i hope.
Also in x.1 when i hit the eject key both my internal and external drives would eject now its normaly just the internal unless theres nothing in there :)