UT 2k4 and multiple OSX accounts


i was about to set up my "visitor" acount on my G5 so that others can play UT 2k4 when i am not around. when i slicked to launch UT, it bounced in the Dock a couple times and then stopped and it never launched.

i repaired permissions, still nothing. i set the individual permisisons for the UT app so that it was more generic than being owned by myself (the admin), etc, still no change.

any ideas?

it was my assumption that since OS X allows for multiple accounts, that i could set up an account for anyone wanting their own unique set of keyboard configs & general settings for UT2k4 - a novel idea that has never been possible in the history of the game!

thanks for any help in advance...
Dumb question, did you have the CD/DVD in the drive when you launched the application? Also did you apply the latest patches that allow the game to be played without the DVD?
thanks, but i have the lates patches (3355), so i never need the DVD mounted any more. UT2k4 launches fine from my own account, but not from the "visitor" account.

if you have any other ideas, please let me know. have you tried doing this on your Mac? if you wouldn't mind trying and letting me know what you find, i'd be very appreciative! thanks!

BTW - i like your Biblical quote. if you are into Biblical studies, check out my website www.SeedsOfTruth.org ; also, a fantastic Christian educational site you might enjoy is http://www.cemnetwork.com/ , published by Christian Educational Ministries. check out the "Online Audio" section, particularly the Born To Win radio program - i just cannot recommend this radio program highly enough! Godbless...
I don't have UT2K4 on my laptop at the moment. Once I reinstall it and download all the patches, I'll post back.

Thanks for the links :).
it puts files in your username/Library/Application Support/Unreal Tournament 2004/ and maybe it needs files there that aren't available to your visitor account? :)

you could try and copy it over to the visitor one
just a thought
Graeme43 said:
it puts files in your username/Library/Application Support/Unreal Tournament 2004/ and maybe it needs files there that aren't available to your visitor account? :)

you could try and copy it over to the visitor one
just a thought

Hm, sounds like a plan....

Check the contents of the folder under the other user account, and if it differs, bring them on the same level and check again. Maybe it helps