UT2004, Mods and their related files


iWork for Apple <3
Alright, I have been frustrated to no end with installing Mods for UT 2004. On the PC side, they can just pop open a .umod file and be on their way. from what i have found for the mac, it's damn bloody impossible. I can't seem to find any good tutorials/walkthoughs that work for mac and the "show contents of the UT2k4 app and drop the files in the right folder" doesn't do squat unless you are just adding maps or simple things.

anyways, enough of the rant and over to the question. 1) has anyone successfully installed a 2k4 mod from a .umod file of the raw zipped files? 2) is there a umod app for 2004 (NOT 2003)? 3) if no to 2, how do i get the straight ziped up files to work as a mod? 4) why is it so damn hard?
::evil:: ::sleepy:: :mad: