Vanishing Files...


After installing 10.2 I started noticing that some of my files have been completely evaporating on me. For example: A few seconds ago I downloaded an mp3 and it sat on my desktop while I force quit IE, the file was behind the "Force Quit" window so I didn't see anything happen to it. I closed the force quit window and what do you know?! The file had vanished! There was no empty trash warning, and I searched the HD for anything the file name could be, with no luck!

I'm really ticked off and if this has been happening to anybody else please let me know! This is unbelievable! I've lost company work to this little bugger and I'm very unhappy now that I've spent 2 hours downloading a few mp3s only to find out they don't exist anymore!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Why Force-Quit IE? If you just Hide an app it sits quietly in the background and doesn't eat up CPU time - and maybe you won't get this wierd error either :)
I wonder if the Mp3 was cached by IE but not fully handed over to Finder and you kicked IE in the slats before it fully finished?
Yep, IE does cache files it downloads. I know this because I've occassionally whipped out the cable, chucked my laptop in my bag and dashed off, only to find that the file I thought I had downloaded completely has cleared itself. I'd suggest you close the app properly if you're going offline.