Very odd single user from login screen bug

MoNkeY mAgIc

Simian Deformity
I have a very strange problem with OSX. It's running on my Imac (flat panel) latest version blah blah.

It was all working swimmingly until a couple of days ago.

I have a mutli user setup where users click on their pic and type in their password. All fairly standard and it was all working fine.

However now, if a user gets their password wrong, the login panel does it's normal little shake and then dumps the user into single user mode - i.e. Command Prompt.

If you login from there and type exit - you're booted back to the Aqua login screen and so long as you type in the correct password you can login!

Very odd indeed - to be honset I'm stumped - anyone else found a similar problem? :confused:
i have just one user but once it didn'te let me log in. so tens and tens of times it told me i had a wrong password, it shivered etcetera. nothing. twenty minutes like that.. untilll i restarted it. ant that time it let me log in. luckily i've seen that only once - scary, my password was wrong it said when it surely wasn't ... :(
Just thought I'd update this - as I've fixed the problem now.

The problem was with Mac cam an open source driver for USB webcans in OSX.

Seems that with that installed - if you get your login wrong it dumps you out of the Aqua interface into console mode.

Solution uninstall Mac cam!


This very annoying bug was driving me crazy on my Mom's computer... This after I boasted about OS X not crashing! ("Son...I typed in my password and the screen looks like DOS! What do I do?")

Removing the Macam application and componant from the Library/Quicktime/ fixes the problem (what a strange bug BTW).

BTW my mom has been using macs for 7 years and she LOVES OS X finding it far easier to use over OS 9.