Very Poorly iBook...

Lt Major Burns

"Dicky" Charlteston-Burns
My new iBook G3 has suddenly started showing some very bad signs. not really what i want to see a month after i bought it. before yestarday, there was absolutely no sign of anything the matter with it, it was actually a very good runner, and very stable too.

now, i can't get it do anything for more than about 10 minutes before it locks up, with the keyboard and trackpad unresponsive, or if sound was playing, it would loop in a half-second loop. only a hard reset would sort this, but it wasn't a kernal panic as such, as it would tell me it was if it were a kernel panic. the screen does however ficker. it's like a faulty connection to the display, but at thye same time, the entire system locks up.

also, this is all assuming that it wil actually boot up. 6/10 times the screen will never come on, and not really boot properly, leaving me to hard reset again.

i have two apple hardware test cd's. one for a Powermac G5 which i havent tested yet, and another for a Sawtooth G4, which i can't get to work, for reasons unknown. the ibook just spits it out again. there are no scratches on the cd.

so: is there any where that i can download the AHT for an iBook G3 12"? the system came without disks.

specs are below.
Check if your iBook is covered
Yours sounds like a similar issue. It's easy to get the repair done, if your iBook is less than 3 years old (from the original purchase, of course). Apple is sometimes continuing to repair older iBooks, and it should be worth a call to AppleCare to find out for sure.
Mine was discontinued in november 2002. it's now 2006. :(

would they be sympathetic to my woes? i mean, a logic board replacement would probably cost £350. i bought the entire machine for £350. if they don't, then i've basically just lost £350. i can't afford to throw money away at the moment.

is there a possiblity of a loose connection that would be not too difficult to fix?