Very sick G4



I terminated iTunes while a shared music user was connected to my machine, and I haven't been able to boot up in OSX since.

I followed all of the file instructions...reset the PRAM, reset the network preferences...

Ran fsck and found that I have an invalid sibling link and missing thread records...Disk Utility from the Mac OSX install disc cannot fix the problem.

I tried to perform an archive and install from the OSX install disc, but it stalls out (2.75 hours of "Preparing the Disk")

I ran the AHT and found no problems.

I tried to connect to my roommate's computer via firewire/Target Disk Mode and it immediately froze his machine.

So my G4 is pretty sick and I want to know if there is any way to back up my volume. I can get the machine started up in single user mode, but don't know the command line to back up my volume or burn it to CD. I have no external HD to install a new OS on and then boot from that, but I'm considering Disk Warrior and buying an external HD as my next steps.

Any suggestions? Apple said wipe my machine and start again, but anything to help me get my data off my machine before that would be much appreciated. THANKS.
By won't boot up, I mean that I get to the white apple screen and the spinning wheel just goes and goes and goes with no further progress.
if you have a friend with a Mac, you can connect the machines with a firewire cable, and start yours in target mode (pressing t at the startup) Your hard drive would bee seen as an external drive on your friend mac, and you could transfer your data on it...
Have you tried running a repair from disk utility on your OSX install disk? Boot up from the CD, and you can quit the installer to get to the disk utility.
joehoya said:
but I'm considering Disk Warrior and buying an external HD as my next steps.

These would be my next steps, except I might try using a flash drive (1 or 2 GB) depending on the sizes of my files--particularly my "irreplaceable" files. And, of course, you could make many trips between your computer and another with a flash drive. Personally, I'd buy a large external firewire drive now for use in trying to back up my files and for future use in having an up-to-date clone of my internal at all times.
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I feel the aggression and frustration that you are feeling as my computer is doing the exact same thing. itunes froze up one morning while I was on a shared network and when I restarted my computer everything that you described happened to me. I hate it! I have tried everything that you have and nothing works, I can't even get into single user mode or verbose mode. I think im going to put all of my important files on my roommates computer through firewire and then do a clean install. I hope everything works out with you and your very sick G4. Good luck.
