Very Strange Problem Rotating Desktop Loss of Data



Something very weird happened to me today. I was using my computer, I typed in a search and hit go and the screen rotated out of the way like a cube transition in a photo app. The new screen was blue and I thought I had pushed a f button I was unaware of. Anyway I pushed all the buttons on top to no avail. The only way I could get my computer off and restarted was the on button on back. When it re-booted back all my personal documents seem to be missing, the dock was missing all but the stock apps and when I tried to open iphoto or mail, all the files were missing.

I rebooted from the OS X startup disc and ran a repair, it said the disc was fine. I repaired all the permissions, to no avail. I even ran tech tool pro and it says all was fine. After hours of pain I ended up restoring the drive using time machine. Now I lost all my photos from Christmas....

Ha anyone seen anything like this and what is the rotating desktop????

That's Spaces (under Leopard). You can turn that off from the Spaces icon in the menubar, or through the System Preferences/Spaces pane.
It wasn't spaces which I use the screen rotated like a cube not like spaces!

I cant seem to add a signature on this site I am using a

Imac PPC G5 @ghz
1G ram

I did rename my bonjour name (because I got a warning from extensis, I use suitcase for fonts) but this happened a month ago also. I restored my disc with time machine and was thinking my computer was dying. I worked everyday since I changed the name 2 weeks ago?

I though solved my problem by turning off the fast switch login preference. But here is my problem. I think it goes all the way back to when I loaded 10.5, I of course loaded it the first day it was released and I could not login to the computer at all. I am not sure what the fix was but I think I had to create some new type of admin account. Anyway here goes

Yesterday I pressed a button and some how enabled fast user change (which I never knew was activated) into the guest account where I got a blue screen which would not let me get out of so I restarted the machine, logged in to my admin account. I arrived at a desktop which had lost all my stuff whicht what I think now was a guest desktop.

I logged out and back in no change

Open preferences and disabled the guest account and the fast user switching... no change when I logged back in as admin still at guest desktop

Rebooted from OS 10.5 disc repaired disc, repaired permissions everything fine. Rebooted logged in as admin still at guest desktop

Rebooted from Tech Tool 4 ran all the reports everything is fine, directories fine, files fine. So I think there is something to do with the log in account???

I restored my whole system 5 hours (twice now)

I log on as myself and everything is normal. As a test I tried to log in to the user account which was enabled and after a long blue screen I was taken to a guest (no files etc) desk top. I log out and log in as the admin account and end up at the guest account desktop. I can never get back to my admin desktop with all my files etc.. I have 3 accounts 1 guest (which you can disable but not get rid of) my admin account, and one for my wife who has never used it and where I am now.

I have tried about every combination of preference user account preferences to no avail!

I am now sure I am having a user account login problem but cannot think of a solution.

Thanks for any help or suggestions!

Are you sure those are the only accounts on your system? Is your login screen set to display a list of all users, or set to make you type in user names?

If you open the Users folder in your startup disk, how many folders are there, and what are they called? Your old files ought to be in a folder there. Maybe your old folder got renamed, like Fryke suggested.

Did you happen to notice how much free disk space you had before? Is it any different now?